So, I decided to not combine all edits into one post-- it would have become unnecessarily long. Instead, adding numbers at the end, but using the same title to keep them somewhat grouped.
On the previous post I covered my update on my quote machine, this one will cover the wiki viewer.
Initially, I had it setup by pressing the enter
key, but the few people I had test it told me they looked for a button first, when mobile.
The keyboard, when mobile, hid the search results.
Updated version:
I added a search
button, but kept the enter
key feature.
I moved the random
button to line up with the search
The spacing between the input search bar and results area was minimized.
Wrapped API call for enter
and search
button into a function, depending on which option is used to execute search. In other words, so the code isn't repeated.
updated snippet:
$("#go").on("click", function() {
// console.log("you clicked button");
$("#input").keydown(function(event) {
if(event.which == 13 || event.keyCode == 13) {
// console.log("you clicked enter")
} // end of if statement
}); // end of keypress
function wikiPress() {
var wikiInput = $("#input");
var wikiSearch = wikiInput.val();
$("#input").val(""); // clears search wiki box
url: "" + wikiSearch + "&srlimit=max&srprop=snippet&format=json",
dataType: "jsonp",
function(data) {
var search =;
// console.log(search);
var wikiList = "";
//[title here]
search.forEach(function(el) {
// console.log(el);
wikiList += "<div class='wikiEntry'>" + "<strong>" + "<a href='" + el.title + "'>" + el.title + "</a>" + "</strong>" + "<br />" + el.snippet + " [...]" + "<br />" + "</div>" + "<br />";
}); // end search.forEach
} //
}); // end of AJAX
} // end of wikiPress()